5 Key Reasons

Fluid Rower

5 key reasons to consider FDF fluid rowers

Indoor rowing is one of the best total body workouts available. It can increase endurance, tone and build muscle, strengthen the core and burn fat. But not all rowing machines are the same, and it is crucial to understand the benefits of investing in a rowing machine that offers multiple workout options, ability to change the resistance, the opportunity to row at any speed, slow, fast or high intensity for intervals training.

FDF Limited’ (FDF) patented Twin Tank adjustable Fluid Resistance technology is unrivalled in the indoor water rowing market. In addition to delivering unmatched on-water rowing simulation and design, our range of Fluid Resistance rowing machines caters to all fitness levels and applications suitable for general fitness through to professional athlete and medical rehabilitation.

1. fluid rowing creating a realistic experience

If you are accustomed to the natural catch and feel of actual on-water rowing, you will immediately appreciate FDF’s adjustable Fluid Resistance technology with its unrivalled emulation of propelling a boat through the water. The sight, sound and feel of the water churning through the rowing machine’s fluid resistance tanks are almost cathartic; your senses will make you think could be rowing down the river.

Similar to rowing a boat, FDF’s rowing machine’s patented adjustable fluid resistance tanks generate a smooth and uniform stroke unrivalled in its precise replication, including no lag of resistance at the catch, and continued resistance all the way to the finish. This is just one of the many reasons FDF’s adjustable Fluid Resistance rowers are the most comparable to an on-water rowing experience.

The water in the active resistance tank acts as a brake to hold back the multi-bladed impeller, the more water in the active resistance tank the higher the braking effect. The water in the active tank isn’t all staying in the active tank during the exercise (at any level), some of it is always being cycled through the passive holding tank. As you attempt to generate more power by increasing your speed the water cycles faster between the Twin Tanks at a greater and greater speed to maintain a consistent amount of water in both tanks. This creates such a unique smooth action and at virtually any speed.

Air resistance works in a similar way, however the variation in the load that is possible by restricting an impeller from “no air to total air” does not create distinctly different levels of resistance, this is very obvious at low speeds.

At high speeds, the two mediums, water and air, start to feel similar except for one very crucial difference that makes adjustable fluid resistance so unique. When the drive phase of activity is followed by a recovery phase, as in rowing or ski ergometer exercises, the recovery phase air resistnce does not provide the braking force that the water in our vertical tank does. At the catch or beginning of the next drive phase, the air machine impeller has high momentum and that creates a soft or no load pick up.

Essentially the resistance on an air machine can not be felt again until your speed catches up to the flywheel and you start to apply a greater force against which the air will resist. These differences are so easy for you to test for yourself. Compare the ROW against any common air resisted rowing machine. You will quickly see why our patented Twin Tank Fluid Resistance system is so smooth and consistent at virtually any speed.

2. fluid resistance selector dial

Other indoor water rowers don’t allow for controlled or adjustable resistance, limiting progression in fitness development. Being able to change resistance mid-workout is a unique benefit of FDF’s patented adjustable Fluid resistance technology, allowing resistance changes at the turn of a dial. This unique, patented feature suits all fitness levels and applications suitable for general fitness through to professional athlete and medical rehabilitation. Being able to adjust the resistance level make it perfect for group training, where multiple users of differing fitness levels can be catered for, and for interval training.

3. fluid resistance impellers – stainless steel of moulded polycarbonate

FDF’s precision engineered, marine grade stainless steel impeller and internal tank baffles maintain resistance throughout the entirety of the rowing action.

The combination of a multi-bladed impeller and internal baffles within the rowing machine’s water tank, delivers a smooth uniform stroke unrivalled in its precise replication of actual on-water rowing. There is no lack of resistance at the catch, which is experienced on all other water resistance rowers; meaning that consistent resistance is delivered all the way to the finish, just like in a boat.

This smoother stroke resistance profile ensures the whole body works more throughout each stroke, without the intimidating high peak resistance experienced by other water based indoor rowing machines.

4. patented twin tank technology

FDF’s patented Twin Tank allows variable volumes of water to move between tanks as the user makes resistance adjustments, ranging from feather light to Olympic sprint. This is what we call adjustable Fluid Resistance.With FDF’s patented twin tanks, you can adjust Fluid Resistance while maintaining a steady stroke rate. Other rowing machines and water ergometers are less flexible, with their single chamber water tank requiring the user to row much faster or slower to change resistance.

5. designed by engineers who workout

Designed by professionals, engineered by craftsmen, manufactured and constructed to last long after the workout has finished. FDF FluidRowers, FluidExercise Upper Body Ergometers and FluidPowerZone machines are built to endure the hardest workout.

Compare the manufacturing quality, form and function, side by side with any other brands, and the choice is obvious. Value for money products, that represents an investment in your fitness future, is the FDF hallmark. Learn more about the FDF quality guarantee.

FDF Fluid Rower
FDF Fluid Rower
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